Creating a New Portfolio


Portfolios can be created in several different ways within Stock Rover. This section describes how to access the Create Portfolio window, and from there, each way you can create a portfolio.

You have the option of connecting to your brokerage, entering your positions manually, entering your transaction manually, import holdings from a file, or creating a portfolio directly from the Table.

Accessing the Create Portfolio window

The Create Portfolio window, shown below, is where you begin.


This window can be invoked in many different ways.

You can use the Search Box at the top of the Start Menu bar.


You can right-click on Portfolios in the Start Menu bar.


Or right-click on Portfolios folder in the Navigation Panel.


You can select “Create a New Portfolio” under Portfolio Actions.


Create Portfolio is also available in the Dashboard by clicking on the Portfolios button and going to the Actions pull down menu.


Connecting to your Brokerage

If you select the Connect Brokerage option you will be brought to the Brokerage Connect facility where you have to accept Terms of Service and then you can search for your brokerage to connect directly to their site and this will load your holdings from the brokerage into a new portfolio. See the Brokerage Connect help for further detail.

There is also a helpful video that illustrates how brokerage connection works.

Entering Positions

This option will bring you to the Create Portfolio window with the Portfolio tab selected, as you can see in the screenshot below. Highlighted in the red boxes below, you can change the name and description of the portfolio. Highlighted below in the third red box is the Date box.


When you enter positions, you are adding the list of positions on any given date. By default, the selected date will be today or the most recent trading day. You can change the date to enter positions on a historical date. Each date you enter positions for is called a “date of record.”

Once you’ve updated the date of record, you can then click Add Positions and enter in the ticker symbol, a quantity, and cost per share, as well as your cash position, seen in the screenshots below. The ‘Cost Per Share’ box will always show the current price of the ticker (if the start-date is the current date), or the closing price of the ticker on the selected date.


After clicking “Add and Finish” you can see the holding added, as in the example below.


You can click “Add Position” again to add additional holdings or enter the ticker directly in the table itself.


Entering Transactions

This will bring you to the Create Portfolio window with the Transaction tab selected.

The Transaction options allows you to enter all the buys and sells for each ticker and for each date if you want to get your full history into the portfolio. Highlighted in the red boxes below;you can change the name and description of the portfolio. Click on the “Add Trade” button highlighted in the third red box to enter the trade.


Below you can see in the Add Trade window, that you can enter the ticker symbol, the date, the type (Buy or Sell), and the quantity. The price will default to the close price of the date selected or current price if today’s date is selected, the price can be edited for the buy transaction with the price you purchased the holding.

Note: If selecting a Sell trade, the closed price is used. See the following FAQ for more detail.


After entering the transactions they will be displayed as seen below. Here you can filter on the time period if you want to look at transactions since a certain date. You can also change the Quantity Precision to see exact quantity.


Importing Holdings from a File

When you select the Import option you will be brought to the Import Portfolio window which shows several import options. The import option allow you to import your latest positions from an export from a portfolio or import your full history if you want to load all your buy dates.

You can import portfolios from an export from most brokerage houses, as well as portfolios contained in spreadsheets, portfolios that have been exported from Stock Rover, and portfolios from our library.

To import from a file, right click on ‘Portfolios’, and select ‘Create Portfolio’ and in the following screen, select ‘Import holdings from file’.


You can also import a portfolio from the Stock Rover’s Investors Library. For more information on the Investors’ Library, please see the Library help documentation.

Please note that you cannot combine two portfolios by importing one into the other.

Note to Mac users: You may need to save your .csv or .txt portfolio file as a Windows CSV file from Excel before importing.

Importing by Quantity

The format of the file you import is typically an Excel spreadsheet, or a CSV or text file (.csv, .xls, .xlsx or .txt). When importing by quantity you will want to select the Content Type, “Holdings on One Date”, as shown in the screenshot below.


After selecting the content type, click ‘Browse’ to navigate to the file that you want to import.

This type of file should have the headings Ticker and Quantity. It can also have a Price column. If the price column exists, it will be used for the cost basis. If the price column is omitted, then the close price for the selected Position as of date will be used as the cost basis.

Enter a ‘Position As Of’ date for the start of the portfolio, as called out in the screenshot above. The Position As Of date is used to keep track of your historical positions and is also referenced in the calculations of the Portfolio Analytics facility. The display allows for the review of the portfolio’s holdings before importing to ensure it was read correctly. If the file has a Buy Date column, it will be ignored since the Position As of date is used as the Buy Date.

If there is a column that was not labeled correctly on the import, and as a result does not match properly to the Ticker, Quantity, and/or Price columns, you can fix this by selecting the proper column header you would like to assign to Ticker, Quantity and/or Price as shown in the screenshot below.


If it was read correctly, click the ‘Import’ button, as highlighted in the screenshot above, and the portfolio will be added under ‘Portfolios’ in the Navigation panel.

The contents of an example import file is shown below:

Ticker, Quantity,  Price
AXP,  200,  124.77
BK,  400,  50.29
COP, 250, 64.01

Please see the sample files below that can be imported into Stock Rover:

Sample Quantity Portfolio Import Text File
Sample Quantity Portfolio Import CSV File
Sample Quantity Portfolio Import XLSX Text File
Sample Quantity Portfolio Import XLS Text File

Importing by Percent

Portfolios can also be created by percent. The file format required for importing by percent has to be a CSV or text file (.csv or .txt).

When importing by quantity you will want to select the Content Type, “Holdings on One Date”. The headers of the column Ticker and Quantity are still required but in the place of the Quantity value, you enter the percent. If the price column exists, it will be used for the cost basis. If the price column is omitted, then the close price for the selected Position as of date will be used as the cost basis.

If the file has a Buy Date column, it will be ignored since the Position As of date, which is specified in a dropdown in the import window is used as the buy date. When using percentages to create portfolios you must have a Cash amount. If the import doesn’t have a cash value, you will be prompted for one while performing the import.

The contents of the an example import file is shown below:

Ticker, Quantity,  Price
GM,  30%,  53.99
IBM,  30%,  121.74
KO,  30%,  42.49
WMT,  10%,  128.32
CASH,  100000,  1.0

Please see the sample files below that can be imported into Stock Rover:

Sample Percent Import Text File
Sample Percent Import CSV File

Importing with History

Another option with importing portfolios is importing the history of the portfolio. This option can be done with changing the Content Type and selecting, “Multiple Dates” or “From Stock Rover Export”.

From External Files

Select Content Type “Multiple Dates”, see screenshot below.


With this import, the Ticker, Quantity and Buy Date columns are all required. The quantity column refers to the number of shares purchased by the portfolio on the date. If a sale occurs on a given date, simply enter a negative quantity for shares. The Price column for setting the cost basis is optional. If the price column is omitted, then the close price for the Buy Date will be used as the cost basis. As shown in screenshot above, you can look over the portfolio to ensure it was read correctly, and make any changes as needed. If it was read correctly, click ‘Import’ button, as highlighted in the screenshots above, and the portfolio will be added under ‘Portfolios’ in the Navigation panel.

The contents of an example import file is shown below:

Date,  Ticker,  Quantity,  Price
7/31/2019,  AXP,  100,  124.77
7/31/2018,  AXP,  200,  130.50
7/31/2017,  AXP,  300,  150.00

Note here is a list of the valid date formats:

  • 7/31/2020
  • 07/31/2020
  • 7/31/20
  • 07/31/20
  • 2020-07-31

Please see the sample files below that can be imported into Stock Rover:

Sample History Portfolio Import Text File
Sample History Portfolio Import CSV File
Sample History Portfolio Import XLSX Text File
Sample History Portfolio Import XLS Text File

From Stock Rover Export

Select Content Type “From Stock Rover Export”. This is used if you have have exported a portfolio from your own account in Stock Rover format or received a portfolio from another Stock Rover user in Stock Rover format and would like to import it into your account.

Importing from the Library

The Browse Portfolio Library link as highlighted below, brings you to our Library where you can import any of the portfolios we have available. Please see our Library help for more detail.


Importing a Percentage Based Portfolio

Portfolios can be created by importing a file with percentages instead of quantity. There are two ways to do this in Stock Rover. The first way is by importing a .txt or .csv file. This method allows the creation of portfolios with any percentage for any ticker. You can learn more about this capability in the Importing By Percent help section.

The second way, which creates equal weight portfolios, is described in the next section.

Creating an Equal Weight Portfolio from the Table

You can create an equal allocation portfolio by selecting several tickers in the Table and right-clicking them to trade in the portfolio.


You can choose to “Buy All Equally” in a new portfolio and specify and amount for each ticker.


Viewing a Portfolio