Managing Bookmarks

Renaming a Bookmark

  1. To rename a bookmark, click on My Bookmarks in the Start Menu.
  2. edit bookmark

  3. Select the bookmark to rename and click “Edit”.
  4. select bookmark name

  5. Enter the new bookmark name and click “OK”.
  6. rename bookmark name

Changing the Description of a Bookmark

  1. To change the description of a bookmark, click on My Bookmarks in the Start Menu.
  2. edit bookmark

  3. Select the bookmark to change and click “Edit”.
  4. select bookmark name

  5. Enter a new description and click “OK”.
  6. change description

Changing the Bookmark Order

  1. To change the bookmark order, click on My Bookmarks in the Start Menu.
  2. edit bookmark

  3. Drag and drop the bookmark to reorder.
  4. drag and drop

Deleting a Bookmark

  1. To delete a bookmark, click on My Bookmarks in the Start Menu.
  2. edit bookmark

  3. Click the “x” next to the bookmark and click “OK”.
  4. delete bookmark

Creating a Bookmark