Special Watchlist Features

Charting a Watchlist

Right-clicking a selected watchlist in the watchlists panel and selecting ‘Chart’ from the drop-down menu or clicking ‘Chart Watchlist’ in the Watchlist Actions panel initiates the chart operation.


Stock Rover charts the watchlist as if it were a portfolio with an equal dollar weighting for each holding. Additionally, via internal rebalancing, the equal weighting is maintained each day of the period that the watchlist is charted. Below we see a watchlist’s performance charted against the S&P 500 benchmark over a 1-year period.

watchlist manager

To learn more about charting please see the Charting Overview.

Scoring a Watchlist

The ability to score watchlists is available in the Screener Management window. Please see the Scoring a Portfolio or Watchlist help section for further detail under Screeners.

Alerting a Watchlist

To access Watchlist Alerts, select Watchlists from the Start Menu then select the desired Watchlist and then click on Watchlist Alerts under the Watchlist Actions.

Watchlist Alerts

Please see the Alerts help section for further detail on alerting.

Additional Watchlist Actions