Viewing a Watchlist


We can view the tickers in a watchlist from two different perspectives.

  • You can view the tickers on the watchlist in the Table utilizing all the research power of Stock Rover Views and Metrics.
  • You can view (and change) a watchlist using the Watchlist Manager.

Viewing Holdings in the Table

To view a watchlist’s tickers in the Table:

  1. Select Watchlists from the Start Menu
  2. Choose the Watchlist to view from the Navigation Panel
  3. Select Table in Navigation Panel

The Table’s Views are logically grouped into folders. Each row in a View corresponds to a ticker and each column a metric.

In our example, we chose the Fundamentals folder which contains five Views, and then selected the Per Share View.

Show Table

Viewing Holdings in the Watchlist Manager

To view the tickers in a watchlist we’ll need to launch the Watchlist Manager:

  1. Select Watchlists from the Start Menu
  2. Choose the Watchlist to view from the Navigation Panel
  3. Select Modify this Watchlist in Watchlist Actions

Show Positions

The Watchlist Manager will show the tickers for the selected Watchlist. Here tickers can also be added and removed, which is covered in the next section.

Show Positions

Creating a Watchlist Modifying a Watchlist