
Plan Portfolio by %

With ‘Plan By %’ selected as highlighted in the screenshot the ‘Planned Value %’ column becomes editable. You can enter the desired percentage for each position in your portfolio as shown in the screenshot below.


Once the percentages are entered, it will highlight the changes. A green row indicates you would need to add shares to get to the target percentage. A red row indicates that you would need to reduce shares. Uncheck the ‘Highlight Changes’ box if you’d like to remove row coloring. In either case the Planned Trade and the Planned Cost columns will indicate the number of shares needed and the amount to trade to get there.


Plan Portfolio by Quantity

With ‘Plan By Quantity’ selected as highlighted in the screenshot the ‘Planned Quantity’ column becomes editable. You can enter the desired quantities for each position in your portfolio as shown in the screenshot below.


Once the quantities are entered, it will highlight the changes. A green row indicates you would need to add shares to get to the target quantity. A red row indicates that you would need to reduce shares. Uncheck the ‘Highlight Changes’ box if you’d like to remove row coloring. In either case the Planned Trade and the Planned Cost columns will indicate the number of shares needed and the amount to trade to get there.


Plan Portfolio by Value

With ‘Plan By Value’ selected as highlighted in the screenshot the ‘Planned Value’ column becomes editable. You can enter the desired value for each position in your portfolio as shown in the screenshot below.


Once the values are entered, it will highlight the changes. A green row indicates you would need to add shares to get to the target value. A red row indicates that you would need to reduce shares. Uncheck the ‘Highlight Changes’ box if you’d like to remove row coloring. In either case the Planned Trade and the Planned Cost columns will indicate the number of shares needed and the amount to trade to get there.


Add a Ticker

To add a ticker to the planned portfolio, click ‘Add Ticker’ in the top right. To remove any tickers, you can click the ‘x’ next to the ticker name. See screenshot below.


This is the window that appears after clicking ‘Add Ticker’, here you can enter the ticker or bring up the search for a ticker by starting to type in the ticker box.


Changes to Multiple Tickers

Under the More pull down there are options where you can make adjustments to multiple tickers in the portfolio. Change % Multiple Tickers allows you to make % changes to several tickers at a time.


Allocate Equal Weight to Each Position

Allocate Equal Weight to Each Position allows you to enter an equal weight to each position. See screenshots below.


Allocate Equal Weight Within Sectors

Allocate Equal Weight with in Sectors allows you to enter a percentage to an entire sector. Within the sector, each position will have an equal weight. See screenshots below.


Change Cash % and Adjust Positions

Change Cash % and Adjust Positions allows you to enter the cash percentage you desire for the portfolio. Then each position will be adjusted proportionally to achieve the desired cash position. See screenshots below.


Save the Model as a New Portfolio

Save the Model as a New Portfolio allows you to save the changes you made to your model as a new portfolio. The screenshots below illustrates this feature.

After selecting this option, a window is rendered where you can specify the name of your portfolio and can enter the Buy Date for the portfolio. The Buy Date you select is used to establish the cost per share of the positions in the portfolio based on the prices of the tickers in the portfolio on that date. The default is the current date.

Please note the new portfolio does not receive the history of the original portfolio.


Reset Portfolio, Import, Export, and Print

Reset Portfolio

In the top right hand corner of the Holdings tab, you do have the ability to Reset the Portfolio. Resetting the portfolio means the rebalancing model will be deleted, which will result in the actual and planned values becoming the same.


The Import option allows you to import a planned portfolio that has been saved via the Export option in the Rebalancing tool.


The Export option allows you to save a planned portfolio as a .CSV file. This option is particularly useful when you want to save a planned portfolio to import back in at a later date.

This file should not be edited if it is going to be imported back into the Rebalancing tool.


Print the planned portfolio.


Enable Multiple Portfolios

With Multiple Portfolios checked you have the ability to select multiple portfolios and view the holdings. However no changes can be made as the quantities are aggregated across portfolios.


Rebalancing Overview Drift Tolerance