Modifying a Portfolio


Portfolio Manager gives us access to all things related to portfolios.

Portfolio Manager functions include the ability to view and modify a portfolio’s positions or, if we prefer, view and modify the underlying buy and sell transactions.

Please note portfolios are by default position based. This means Stock Rover infers the transactions (buy/sell trades) from the position changes, rather than inferring positions from a set of transactions (buy/sell trades).

Portfolio Manager also allows us to optionally update transactions, and then the appropriate changes in positions will be inferred.

Accessing Portfolio Manager

  1. Select Portfolios from the Start Menu
  2. Choose the desired Portfolio in the Navigation Panel
  3. Select Modify this Portfolio in Portfolio Actions

Modify a Portfolio

Portfolio Manager will then launch, showing three panels.

  1. The Portfolios (Modify) panel contains the list of portfolios.
  2. The Portfolio Actions panel contains a list of actions that can be performed on portfolios, along with a link to each associated action. In addition, there are links to key help topics.
  3. The Portfolio window loads with the details of the selected portfolio under three tabs; Allocations, Positions and Transactions.

Modify a Portfolio

Viewing Allocations

The Allocations tab, which is accessed in Portfolio Manager, gives you the breakdown of the portfolio by Assets, Sectors, Regions, and Styles. These tables show you the percentage breakdown of your portfolio.

A tooltip displays a breakdown by ticker when you drag over a cell under Style for Portfolio and have Weight selected.

Please note if you own ETF’s, the ETF holdings are broken out and factored into their proper categories. So for example, if you only owned SPY (the S&P 500), you would still get a breakout of the SPY ETF in all four allocation tables; Assets, Sectors, Regions, and Styles .


The tables display a benchmark column as well, and you are able to compare your portfolio to the Benchmark listed. By default the S&P 500 index benchmark is used, but you can change this and enter any ETF, Fund, Index, or Portfolio. Below we see where you can start typing into the Benchmark box and then select from the list of available items that can be added.


Viewing and Updating Positions

Please note: Portfolios are position based rather transaction based. This means by default, Stock Rover infers the transactions (trades) from the position changes rather than inferring positions from a set of transactions (trades).


The Positions tab, which is accessed in Portfolio Manager, allows you to view your portfolio holdings for the last date or a date in the past.


The Export button highlighted in the screenshot below allows you to export the positions for the specific date you have selected to a csv file.



The Position tab can also be used to add a new position by clicking the Add Position button. By default Portfolio Manager will use today’s date, but you can edit the date field if needed.


Clicking Add Positions, will launch the Add Shares window where you can enter the ticker quantity and cost per share. You also have the option to add the commission amount or adjust the cash with this entry.


After adding the positions make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right of Portfolio Manager.

If you would like to remove a position, you can accomplish this by clicking on the x next to the ticker, see the screenshot below.

Note you are only removing the ticker from the selected position date. If you want to remove to remove the full history you will want to use the options under the Transactions tab to clear the full history of the ticker.


Viewing and Updating Transactions

As portfolios are position based, Stock Rover infers the transactions (trades) from the position changes.

You can, however, alter a portfolio’s holdings by updating transaction(s) and Stock Rover will then infer the appropriate change in position(s).


The Transactions tab, which is accessed in Portfolio Manager, allows you to see all the buy and sell trades for the portfolio. You can look at the transactions after a specific date and you can filter on a specific holding to see the history for that particular ticker.


The Export button highlighted in the screenshot below allows you to export the transactions to a csv file for the time period you have selected.



The Transaction tab can also be used to add either a Buy or Sell trade. Click on the Add Trade button seen below to add the new trade.


Clicking Add Trade brings up the Enter Trade window where you can enter the ticker, the date of the transaction, the type, the quantity, and the price. You will want to click Add if you have more trades to enter or click Add and Finish if everything has been entered.


Note: If selecting a Sell trade, the closed price is used. See the following FAQ for more detail.

The Transactions tab also allows you to remove a specific trade or all trades for specific ticker. You can do this by clicking the x next to the ticker you want to remove.


Buying or Selling a Stock from the Table

You can also enter a trade into your portfolio directly from the Table. To do so, right-click a stock in the Table and select ‘Trade in Portfolio’ from the drop-down menu.


This will bring up a box (shown below) where you can choose the destination portfolio (or create a new one), choose if you want to buy or sell the stock, select the date for the transaction, select the quantity and buy price (the buy price defaults to the current price, or the closing price if a date other than the current date is selected). The ‘Total’ will update to reflect the value of the transaction, and you can also choose to have your portfolio’s cash position automatically adjusted by clicking the ‘Adjust cash’ box.


Adding Assets

You can also add Assets to your portfolio by clicking the ‘Add Other Assets’ button, which is accessed under the Positions tab of Portfolio Manager. This is used to track assets not tracked by Stock Rover like bonds and options.


Handling Cash

When you create a portfolio you can edit the cash amount in your portfolio. This can be done by clicking the edit icon in the bottom left corner of the Positions tab, which is accessed in Portfolio Manager.


Clicking the edit button will display the window seen below, here is where you can enter the cash amount.


If you add any positions in the portfolio you can click the ‘Adjust Cash’ box as seen below and this will adjust your cash based on the type of transaction that you select. If this box is unchecked, any transactions you make in your portfolio will not affect the portfolio’s cash balance.


The cash can also be edited directly in the Positions table if you have the “Include Cash in Positions Table” option checked as seen in the screenshot below.


Importing Updates

Please note: This feature should only be used if you are updating all of your positions in your portfolio. For example if the file being imported only contains info about 2 out of 5 of your holdings it will assume you have sold the 3 missing holdings.

This import option is useful when you are adding history or updating your manual portfolio with the latest export from your brokerage. The import update option is available in the main window of Portfolio Manager, seen in the screenshot below.


Clicking the Import button will launch the import window where you can browse to the file containing your updates. If you are importing historical data, please change the date before clicking on the import button so the update imports with the correct date.

Please remember this updates all your positions on that specific date.


Updating Linked Portfolios

Once linked to your brokerage, a linked portfolio can be modified. When you connect to your brokerage we are getting your positions as of the date of connection and we are not getting any historical data. Here you can edit the Cost Per Share value if the brokerage didn’t provide it or it was incorrect. You do this by selecting your portfolio from Portfolio Manager and then going to the Positions tab. This will display a window which contains all your holdings.

If you need to make an adjustment to cost per share as shown in the screenshot you can click on the cell and type in the change.

If you need to remove any history, you can click the ‘x’ next to the line you want to remove.

Please note if you make changes to the quantity for a linked portfolio, any future updates will overwrite these changes. If you edit the cost per share, this update will stay in place as long the quantity remains unchanged.


If you need to remove all of the history for a particular ticker, you can do this from under the Transactions tab as shown below.


Brokerage Feed Corrections

In the event Yodlee makes an error and classifies a known ticker as an asset, or assigns the wrong ticker symbol you can take the following steps to correct the error.

Start by selecting your portfolio from Portfolio Manager and then going to the Positions tab. Then highlight the ticker and scroll to the right to the ‘Corrections’ column. Then click the edit button for this ticker as highlighted in the screenshot below.


This button will bring up a window where you can enter the corrections on the right side of the window under Corrected Values, as shown in the screenshot below. Once the changes are saved, the correction(s) will take effect immediately, the portfolio screen will refresh and will show the corrected values.


The edit icon will now appear in green when a correction is in place. If you need to remove or edit the correction, click on the edit icon to erase the value from the corrected side of the window. Note, if you make a change to the quantity or price, it will freeze with this value until the correction is revisited.


Editing Cost Per Share

If you need to edit the cost per share for any reason this can be done by going to Portfolio Manager and selecting the Positions tab. In the screenshot below we see that the Cost Per Share cell is selected and highlighted and we can now enter the updated price.


Handling Currencies

The currency shown in Stock Rover depends on which stock exchange the equity trades on. Stock Rover currently supports American and Canadian exchanges so prices are reported in either USD or CAD. Financial metrics in other currencies are converted into the same currency as the stock’s exchange using present day rates.

Cash Currencies

Portfolios have a base currency of USD or CAD that determines what currency is used by the special Cash row. For brokerage linked portfolios this is often set automatically. It can be set for manually created portfolios in the Edit Cash screen. Holdings in dozens of other currencies can be entered here as seen in the screenshot below. Cryptocurrencies are not yet supported.

main table

To launch the Edit Cash window, shown above, go to Portfolio Manager and select the Positions tab and then click on the pencil icon.

main table

If you want to enter a cash currency holding manually you can select the currency from the pull down menu. Or you can start typing the currency name in the pull down box and then select the currency from the ensuing list, as shown below. Once selected, you enter the amount in the selected currency.

main table

Viewing Cash Currencies

Cash positions show in the Positions tab of Portfolio Manager [see below] when you have “Include Cash in Positions Table” checkbox selected. This table also includes the Currency column.

main table

The cash positions are also available in the table, as shown in the screenshot below with the Portfolio Performance View selected.

main table

Viewing Portfolios with Mixed Currencies

Portfolios with equities on the US and Canadian exchanges can now be grouped to see totals by each currency as shown below. The grouping option is available in both the Table and Portfolio Analytics. In addition to grouping, you can also filter on the Currency metric in both the Table and the Positions tab in Portfolio Manager.

main table

These key metrics have been provided in USD converted values so that cross currency comparisons can be avoided. To sort a portfolio by position size for example you would want to use the Value USD column instead of the Value metric (which uses the exchange’s currency).

  • Gain ($USD)
  • Value USD
  • Basis USD
  • Market Cap ($M USD)
  • Dividend Per Share USD
  • Price USD
  • Exchange Rate USD
  • Currency

Changing Quantity Precision

You can change the precision of the quantity column in Portfolio Manager, so you can see your exact quantity if you have fractional shares. As highlighted in the screenshot below you can move the precision up or down by clicking the triangle icon.

Quantity Precision

Turning Backcasting On or Off

By default when you use brokerage connect the buy date assigned is the date you established the connection, Yodlee, our brokerage provider doesn’t provide the history of your portfolio. With the backcasting feature enabled it shows the portfolio performance as if the holdings on the oldest date were owned since the earliest date supported in Stock Rover.

This convenience makes it possible to chart a portfolio even if the portfolio was created today as well as see past performance of your holdings in portfolio analytics.

If you would like to turn this off so that it uses the earliest buy date entered in the portfolio, you will want to access the portfolio via Portfolio Manager and click the Explain icon, highlighted in the screenshot below.


This will launch a window where you can click Disable Backcasting seen below.


Viewing a Portfolio Additional Portfolio Actions