Screening allows you to narrow down a population of thousands of stocks to a more selective set that meets your investment criteria. Stock Rover provides a range of screening options to accommodate investors of all levels. You can choose from a wide range of pre-made screeners or create custom screeners. Our advanced screening tools like ranking, historical comparison, and freeform equations provide maximum flexibility and range, allowing you to home in on the best picks in no time.
Get Up and Running
Get started screening right away. You can choose from an ever-growing library of pre-made screeners and add them to your saved screeners for free. To run a screener, just click on it once, and the results will load in the Table.

A selection of screeners in the Stock Rover Library
Screen In Real Time
Not only can you run any of your screeners in an instant, but since Stock Rover screens on up-to-the-minute data, you always get the most relevant results.
Create Your Own
Choose from well over 500 financial metrics to modify existing screeners or create your own from scratch. You can test criteria as you go to see how restrictive they are.
Rank for the Best
Our Premium screener lets you add weight to criteria in order to generate a ranking of stocks, so you start searching at the top. You can also apply your weights to watchlists or screeners to see how the stocks in those populations stack up. Ranking is simple to set up and customize, and the results are powerful.

Example of ranked results in the Table, with a tooltip showing details about a stock’s rank.
Be a Screening PhD
Our Premium Plus screener allows you to write advanced custom equations and filter on historical data. For example, with freeform equations you can write a filter for stocks that have improved earnings year over year by a certain percentage. That’s just one example, but the possibilities are endless—this feature allows you to get highly specific and targeted!

Example of a freeform equation in the screener. This equation filters for stocks whose current return on equity is greater than it was 12 months ago.
View all of Stock Rover’s screening features on our plan comparison page