Stock Rover Overview

  • Compare

    Comparison and Benchmarking Tools

    Stock Rover makes it easy to see how stocks, ETFs, portfolios, screeners, and watchlists stack up. The Table in the center of the interface allows you to view equities, portfolios, watchlists, and more side by side in hundreds of financial metrics. Columns are organized into customizable “views” so you are never overwhelmed with data you don’t need. Expandable table rows give you a historical perspective on any given metric.

    Chart up to twelve lines at once, plus add in dividends, events such as earnings reports, technicals such as volume and simple moving average, or fundamentals such as P/E and Debt/Equity. The Chart also offers our popular “Set as a baseline” feature, which allows you to set any charted line at zero for a crystal-clear understanding of relative performance. If you go Premium, you get the added benefit of being able save favorite chart configurations as “shortcuts” to instantly configure the chart the way you like it.

    Even in our Insight panel, where you can dive deep on a single equity, you can compare to market and industry averages and use the customizable Peers table to compare the selected stock against industry peers.

  • Investigate

    Deep Research

    Ready to dive in deep on a stock? In addition to the hundreds of financial metrics available in the Table and the numerous tools for assessing performance in the Chart, our Insight panel gives you everything else you need to thoroughly assess a company. Get a company’s summary, news, Morningstar grades, ex-dividend date, peer and market comparison, financial statements, and more. The Insight panel also links you to all relevant, ticker-specific outside sources, such as the company homepage and SEC filings. Premium members get the added benefit of a searchable note-taking facility to help keep track of findings.

  • Plan

    Investment Tracking and Planning

    Whether you monitor your investments daily or just like to check in occasionally, we have fast and powerful tools to suit your style. Opt in to daily, weekly, or monthly performance reports delivered to your email inbox, so you can effortlessly keep up with your portfolios and watchlists. Explore portfolio allocation and top movers, and consult technical indicators to know when to pull the trigger on a buy or sell. If you go Premium, you can set up alerts to get notified via text or email when a certain price, volume, or other indicator has been crossed.

    Before making a trade, test it virtually in our portfolio trade planning window, where you can see how it would change a portfolio’s stats, including sector allocation, cash, and valuation. You can also explore how a trade made in the past would have affected portfolio performance. Our portfolio rebalancing facility lets you target specific stock and sector allocations for your portfolio and then export a precise list of trades you need to get you there.

    A Premium plan also gives you Portfolio Analysis, with interactive analytics to help you objectively compare and assess portfolios and individual holdings with a correlation matrix, risk-adjusted return, the Sharpe ratio, and more.

  • Screen

    Survey the Possibilities

    Screen on approximately 8,000 stocks from North American exchanges using hundreds of metrics. Easily modify and save screeners, and see in real-time how many stocks are passing your screener as you build it up.

    To maximize your screening power, go Premium. Our Premium screener includes a “quant” ranking feature that scores stocks based on criteria you select, making it easier to locate the winners. It also allows you to screen on up to 10 years of historical data and create equations with full expression support, so you can go beyond simple filters to find stocks that meet highly specific criteria.

Other Benefits to Stock Rover Membership

On top of the signature features described above, a Stock Rover membership includes a variety of other perks and benefits, such as:
    • Unlimited access to Stock Rover Markets, our daily financial news site. Explore Markets.
    • The Investor's Library, where you can import screeners, sample portfolios, watchlists, and more into your account for free.
    • Customizable news feeds for individual tickers, the market, and your portfolios.
    • High quality content about investing, including educational webinars and in-depth, unbiased research articles
    • Excellent, responsive support from our Support Team (paid Premium members only) as well as detailed, step-by-step help pages on our website (accessible to all).
Click here to see the details of our Free plan. For our Premium plans, check out our Premium Plan page. To see what our users say about Stock Rover visit our user rave page. If you have any questions, contact us at