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Expert stock picks – who is doing best YTD?

We’ve been tracking the stock picks of a number of experts this year. These are all stocks that have been selected as watchlists by leading industry experts at the end of last year. Until mid-May, all of the watchlists were in positive territory, but after seven months, only one of the collections of stocks is beating the market. As you can see below, with the market flattened as a baseline (by clicking on the chart icon next to S&P 500 in the legend in Stock Rover’s chart panel), Sabrient Systems’ Bakers Dozen is the only collection of stocks that is beating the market, with a relative return of 10% over the S&P 500 so far this year.

August Picks Chart

By looking at the chart without flattening the S&P 500 as a baseline, we can see that Sabrient’s picks are up over 20% this year. The Table above the Chart shows the individual performance of the tickers that make up their watchlist. Well done, Sabrient!

August Picks Table